%META:TOPICINFO{author=“HerbertVoss” date=“1572707273” format=“1.1” reprev=“1.13” version=“1.13”}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name=“FAQIndex”}%
Newsgroups, Webforen, Mailinglisten, usw.
comp.text.tex: Usenet discussion group for TeX and LaTeX
de.comp.text.tex: German Usenet discussion group for TeX and LaTeX
fr.comp.text.tex: French Usenet group
es.comp.lenguajes.tex: Spanish Usenet group
Web forums:
TeXWelt: in German, with format and organization very similar to TeX.SE
LaTeX-Community.org: LaTeX-dedicated web forum
goLaTeX Deutsch: German LaTeX forum, with Wiki
mrunix.de: very frequented German LaTeX subforum of a programmers site
TeX, LaTeX and friends on Stack Exchange
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
DANTE TeX FAQ: FAQ of DANTE, maintened by Herbert Voß and others
UK TeX FAQ: FAQ of the UK TeX Users Group, maintened by Robin Fairbairns
The Visual LaTeX FAQ: formatting samples available through a hyperlink interface
MacTeX FAQ: Mac OS X specific questions and answers
AMS FAQ: FAQ for AMS-LaTeX, primarily for AMS authors, but also dealing with amsmath and with LaTeX in general
de-tex-faq: FAQ of the German TeX user group DANTE e.V.
Picture FAQ: How to Include Pictures, in German
Software and Package Archives and Catalogues:
CTAN - The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: the authoritative collection of materials related to TeX and LaTeX
The TeX Catalogue Online: TeX/LaTeX package catalogue with topical, hierarchical, brief and alphabetical index
TeX Resources on the Web: Collection by the TeX User Group
The LaTeX Font Catalogue: displays nearly all free fonts available for use with LaTeX
The LaTeX Wiki book on wikibooks.org
goLaTeX wiki: German wiki with language reference and package information
LaTeX-Wiki: German wiki
Mailing lists:
texhax: the original TeX mailing list, going back to the 1980's
mailing lists of the TeX Users Group: around 50 lists on tug.org for general subjects and certain packages
mailing lists on gmane.org: among many lists there are several tex related mailing lists
ctan-ann - CTAN Announcements: announcements of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: updates, new packages etc.
pgf-users: mailing list for pgf/TikZ
Typo-L: discussion of type and typographic design
tex-d-l: German mailing list for TeX and LaTeX
User group sites:
UK-TUG: TeX in the United Kingdom
DANTE e.V.: German users group
more groups listed by the TUG
TeXblog: News and information by Stefan Kottwitz
Some TeX Developments: blog by LaTeX developer Joseph Wright
LaTeX Alive: blog by Will Robertson
LaTeX for Humans: Tips, resources and tutorials
more to be found on texample.net/community
Distributions: - where to get a complete TeX system:
TeX Live: TeX system for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows
MiKTeX: user-friendly TeX system for Windows
proTeXt: easy-to-install distribution for Windows, based on MiKTeX
MacTeX: TeX Live customized for Mac OS X with useful additions
see Output viewers topic for all platforms and formats
Friends: - Software related to TeX and LaTeX
The ConTeXt Garden
LyX homepage and wiki
– Main.HerbertVoss - 22 Feb 2009